Due to the current status of the COVID-19 pandemic, Catholic Family Services of Toronto (CFST) is taking active measures to reduce the spread of the virus through social distancing.
To protect the health, safety, and well-being of our staff, students, volunteers, clients and the community, CFST has implemented the following measures:
- CFST is providing limited in-person services at both the Central and North Branches.
- Most counselling services including services for women who have experienced domestic violence are being provided by telephone or on-line.
- We continue to accept new clients seeking counselling services.
- We continue to offer marriage preparation programming in an on-line format.
- To access services call: (416) 921-1163 or (416) 222-0048 or email info@staging.cfstoronto.com
During these challenging times, CFST remains committed to providing supportive and professional counselling, wellness and marriage preparation services to our community.
Thank you.